Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Gattaca -Dna Testing - 862 Words
Should We Use DNA Testing? In Gattaca, a film whose roots are firmly planted in the Science Fiction genre, the timeline in which the movie is set is never really stated, thus it could be next year, in another ten, or not for one hundred. While this is effective is making us believe that this could be, just around the corner, the society presented is widely regarded as being too close to our present day in order to present a true chilling image. With DNA testing already quite common in the sporting world and in what the movie centers around, space exploration, Gattaca arguably fails to deliver its message with enough force to severely impact on the psyche of viewers. Many modern day sporting teams invest in the technology of†¦show more content†¦As we can see when we look at characters such as Jerome, there is no DNA for fate. Simply because a person is perfect in theory does not account for their success in life, and in a case such as Jeromes, he still ended up being second best. When Jerome says that Jerome Morrow was never meant to come second, he shows us that despite all that he had going for him with his double helix, he still was not supreme. But, despite having to live the rest of his life in a wheelchair after his failed suicide attempt, Jeromes life once again found meaning as he helped Vincent achieve his dream of going into space, and once he found meaning, he believed his life was complete. Finally, although there are many obvious benefits to the use of genetic screening, after all it would potentially save companies millions in training fees, some things are definitely better left to chance. If we start meddling with our own fate too much, we lose the very things that make us human, our imperfections, and that is who we are, and we cant sacrificeShow MoreRelatedEssay about Future Concerns - Gattaca and Fahrenheit 4511562 Words  | 7 Pagesthe dystopias that develop from them. 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